Frequently asked questions ?

You can contact us on our whatsapp number- xxxx and email id- xxxx and we will update you the order details on the same.

Most of the items listed on the website are in stock with us and we try to dispatch the following within 24hrs of receiving order. We update you regarding the estimated delivery time as well as order status on your given mobile number and email ID.

Sorry, as per company policy, a package can’t be opened before delivery is accepted.

But you can accept the package & get in touch with us later in case you have any concerns.

You can cancel an order using any of the below mentioned methods:

  • By contacting us on our helpline

Order can be cancelled only before dispatch. Once cancelled, complete amount will be refunded.

It takes 24hrs to cancel the order once the request is received on call. Request received through mails will be fulfilled within 48hrs. orders will be cancelled immediately if done via my accounts section

We always try to fulfil all the orders we receive but sometimes, when the conditions are beyond our control, we are forced to cancel the order, so yes, reserves the right to cancel any order under the following circumstances:

  • Incorrect or Incomplete information regarding Customer’s address (Street number, Landmark etc.) etc.
  • The material is out of stock and the manufacturing process will take the amount of time which is not acceptable to us or the customer.
  • If the area in which customer is residing is not served by us or made Out of Delivery area by Logistic Courier Partner even after placing the order.

Of course, a product can be returned but only under the following circumstances:

  • Product is physically damaged/defective
  • Varies from the description on the website
  • Wrong item delivered

Mentioned below are the criteria for Return

  • Customer should intimate us within 7 days of receiving the order
  • For damaged product customer should intimate us within 48 hours of delivery
  • Product should be unused. Not even once
  • Brand packing should remain intact
  • Invoice should be available
  • All the tags/labels should be available

Customer should follow the below mentioned steps in order to Return any item.

  • Customer should intimate us through call/email within 7 days of receiving the order. Customer has to make sure that
    • A. The product is unused. Not even once
    • B. Brand packaging should remain intact.
    • C. Invoice should be available
    • D. All the tags/labels should be available
  • We will raise a request for Reverse pickup and try to arrange it from our end. Once arranged our courier boy will come to collect the product within 2 business days.
  • Customer has to make sure that he packs the product in proper manner and paste the invoice on it. It should in logistic friendly manner.
  • Customer will have to handover the product to the courier boy.
  • Once picked up product will be sent to us by the courier partner.
  • Upon receiving the product a Quality inspection would be performed over the product. It will take 2 days time.
  • If any damage/defect is found from industrywala end, we will try to arrange a replacement; however, it depends on the availability of the product.
  • In case of refund, money will be refunded to the customer.

Yes, ofcourse you can, we at industrywala, believe that mistakes are sometimes made and hence we offer full support to our customers in case they need a change in size of the same product. We will try to replace the product first but in case, we do not have it in stock or for any other reason, you require a refund, we will accept the return and refund you the full amount.

This should not happen and you should immediately take photos of the received package and contact us on our number – xxxxx and email id- xxxxx and we will help you with the further process. 

Still have questions?

If you couldn’t find answer to your query
here feel free to contact us. We will get back shortly.